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3Star Red 59 #13Star Red 59 #2
Product ID 3S-3004

3Star Red 59

Golf Gloves
  • Cabretta leather (sheepskin) soft and durable.
  • Premium Feel, Fit and Comfort.
  • Perforations on Top of Fingers.
  • Moisture Reduction & Increased Breathability.
  • Adjustable Closure - Thin, Light and Secure Fit.
  • A golf glove is worn on the opposite side of your dominant hand.
Wash and Care

Whilst wearing the glove, use water and a towel, slightly wet the glove and clean the dirt with the towel. Lay it out flat to dry away from direct sunlight or heat. After it dries put the glove on so it retains its shape.

Keep gloves dry by rotating between two gloves. Lay your glove flat when not in use, so the leather dries evenly. Do not use a glove to clean a ball or club, avoid white gloves as they pick up dirt easier, and store your gloves in ziplock bags. Improve your grip to reduce wear on gloves.